Books and articles available online:
NUS 1922-2012 – Mike Day, 2012 (out of print)
Around the World in 90 Years: a short history of internationalism in NUS
Winning on Welfare: a short history of welfare work in NUS and the student movement
National Union of Students: The First Forty Years, 1922-1962 – Bill Savage, 1962
“Freedom to speak or freedom from harm? The history of the No Platform debate” – Mike Day and Jim Dickinson, 2016
‘As much freedom as is good for them’ – looking back at in loco parentis – David Malcolm, 2018
David vs Goliath: the past, present and future of students’ unions in the UK – Mike Day and Jim Dickinson, 2018
The student movement in England and Wales during the 1930s – Brian Simon, History of Education, 1987
‘To form citizens’: Scottish students, governance and politics, 1884_1948 – Catriona MacDonald, History of Education, 2009
Dubious causes of no interest to students? The development of National Union of Students in the United Kingdom – Mike Day, European Journal of Higher Education, 2012
The National Union of Students and transnational solidarity, 1958–1986 – Jodi Burkett, European Review of History, 2014
A curious courage: the origins of gay rights campaigning in the National Union of Students – David Malcolm, History of Education, 2018
Hakim Adi, ‘West African students in Britain, 1900–60: The politics of exile’ – Immigrants & Minorities 12:3 (1993): 107-12
Robert Anderson, “Writing University History in Great Britain, from the 1960s to the Present” – CIAN-Revista de Historia de las Universidades 20:1 (2017), pp.17-40
James Arthur & Karen Bohlin (eds.), Citizenship and Higher Education: The Role of Universities in Communities and Society (London: Routledge, 2005)
Eric Ashby & Mary Anderson, The Rise of the Student Estate in Britain (London: Macmillan and Co., 1970)
Georgina Brewis, ‘From Service to Action? Students, Volunteering and Community Action in Mid Twentieth-Century Britain’ – History & Policy Paper (2015)
Georgina Brewis, A Social History of Student Volunteering: Britain and Beyond, 1880-1980 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
Georgina Brewis, “Student Solidarity across Borders: Students, Universities and Refugee Crises Past and Present” – History & Policy Paper (2015)
Georgina Brewis, Sarah Hellawell & Daniel Laqua, “Rebuilding the Universities after the Great War: Ex-Service Students, Scholarships and the Reconstruction of Student Life in England” – History 105:364 (2020), pp.82-106
Jodi Burkett (ed.), Students in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)
Susan Cohen, “The British Federation of University Women: helping academic women refugees in the 1930s and 1940s” – International Psychiatry 7:2 (2010), pp.47-49
Carol Dyhouse, No Distinction of Sex? Women in British Universities 1870–1939 (London: Routledge, 1995)
John Field, ‘Service learning in Britain between the wars: university students and unemployed camps’ – History of Education 41:2 (2012): 195-212
Esmée Sinéad Hanna, Student Power!: The Radical Days of the English Universities (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013)
Caroline M. Hoefferle, British Student Activism in the Long Sixties (New York: Routledge, 2013)
Daniel Laqua, ‘Activism in the ‘Students’ League of Nations’: International Student Politics and the Confédération Internationale des Étudiants, 1919–1939’ – The English Historical Review 132:556 (2017), pp. 605-37
Nick Thomas, ‘Challenging the Myths of the 1960s: The Case of Student Protest in Britain’ – Twentieth Century British History 13:3 (2002): 277-297
Keith Vernon, ‘The Health and Welfare of University Students in Britain, 1920–1939’ – History of Education 37:2 (2008), pp.227-252