Student Strike for Education: Walk Out Teach In

10 January 2022

We are calling on all students to join the strike and Walk Out / Teach In on 2nd March 2022.

It’s no secret, we’ve been failed by successive governments.

We need to start over, and get it right this time. So let’s take matters into our own hands.

Collectively, students, workers and communities are building a new vision for education!

So, what does that mean? 

  • Fully funded: higher and further education to be funded by governments – free at the point of use for students – with proper pay, pensions and conditions for staff across education and beyond
  • Accessible: creating safe and inclusive spaces – built for students here and now – and uprooting disablism in our education
  • Lifelong: there to support us from cradle to grave – think less restrictive, more fluid & flexible
  • Democratised: giving students more power and agency over our own learning

Sign up here.