Submit Your Stories!
We’re here to help you support and express the issues and ideas that matter most to you! If you’d like to have your own ‘Year of the Student Page’, please complete the info below and upload any supporting info.
How to submit:
Want to see your page options? Click Here. You can submit a story with, or without, an image gallery.
Step 1: Download the form and use a PDF editor to fill it out.

Handwritten forms don’t work with our system, so please make sure to complete the form electronically. Need a PDF editor? Click Here.
Step 2: Put together the required photos and videos, and place that, with your completed submission form, into a folder, name the folder with your name and topic. The following files types are OK to include: .jpg, .png, .gif, pdf, .doc, .docx, odt, .rtf, .ppt, .pptx, .mp4, .mpg and .avi

Step 3: Send us a message to say that you're making a submission. Please include the name of your folder. Then go to Step 4.
Step 4: Drag or add your named folder into the panel below and press ‘start upload’. And that's it! If we have any questions, we'll be in touch.
⚠ This content is not available at this moment unfortunately. Contact the administrators of this site so they can check the plugin involved.